What “type” are you?
For those impacted by type 1 diabetes, both directly and indirectly, JDRF (formerly known as Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) is an organization of hope for the future. Just last month, on September 28th, JDRF had a major breakthrough in diabetes research and care when the FDA approved the Artificial Pancreas, a development that they had been funding resources to for years.
JDRF consists of a variety of “types”: type 1 diabetes fighters; the type that strives for answers; the let’s find a cure type; the never give up type; the type that believe in a better tomorrow; the type that believe that type none is within reach.
CREA, too, consists of these same type of people. It first started with one employee, SVP of Fund Management, Kelli Ozdemir. Ozdemir’s daughter, Ella, was diagnosed with type 1 when she was just four years old and has been highly involved since then.
After Ozdemir became involved, it wasn’t long before CREA did as well. From individual support, to internal fundraising competitions and company matching. CREA sponsored the JDRF One Walk in Indianapolis this year with 30 employees in attendance. Additionally, Jeff Whiting, President and CEO, served as the Corporate Chair for the walk.
“My family has been doing the walk and fundraising for four years now, since Ella’s diagnosis,” said Ozdemir. “Every year, we are just blown away by the generosity of everyone who gives so selflessly to this cause that is very important to us. Our CREA family is no different. They have supported this cause personally for several years and this year was above and beyond. I am truly humbled.”
This year, CREA employees raised over $24K. With a company match of $4,200 and sponsorship of $10,000, CREA’s total contribution to JDRF was $38,440.32.
“It was a pleasure seeing everyone at CREA come together and support JDRF,” said Whiting. “Our employee participation is a testament to our community-centric culture and the compassionate team we have. I’m humbled to be a small part of JDRF’s efforts as they continue in the pursuit of Type None.”
To learn more about JDRF and their mission, visit their website.
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