Five years ago, Kelli Ozdemir and her daughter Ella’s lives changed forever. On July 20th, 2012, Ella was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. The diagnosis meant a life of highs, lows, finger pricks, insulin shots, pump site changes and carb counting.
“Ella (with a little help from her parents!) manages her disease like it’s second nature,” said Kelli. “Just like you and I brush our teeth and tie our shoes every day, she also pricks her finger, counts carbs and gives herself insulin all day.”
Now nine years old, Ella has become a familiar face in the Indianapolis T1 community. She has been selected to speak at several corporate events, interviewed for the local news, and designated as Pacers’ team captain for a game. Next up, Ella hopes to be part of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) Children’s Congress to go to Capitol Hill and advocate for more T1 Diabetes research funding.
“All of these opportunities allow Ella to raise awareness about her disease. And raising awareness means possibly saving someone’s life.”
Kelli and her family have become highly involved in JDRF’s efforts to turn type one into type none – including her work family. Since 2013, CREA, LLC has donated over $25,000 to JDRF. In addition, last year, employees held internal fundraising competitions that led to $24,000 raised and donated to JDRF.
“CREA has been a second family to me for many years. Jeff and his team were by my family’s side when we received Ella’s diagnosis in 2012 and have supported us since then both emotionally and philanthropically. I can’t express how grateful I am for all of the support we receive from co-workers and the company who gives so much of their time and treasure to fundraise for JDRF and find a cure for my daughter.”
In supporting Ella – in supporting T1 diabetics in Indianapolis and across the country – in raising funds for research – in raising awareness – and in finding a cure – Kelli and her family are participating in the JDRF Indianapolis OneWalk on September 30th at Victory Field. To join Kelli’s team or make a donation towards T1 research, please follow this link. On behalf of the Ozdemir family, CREA thanks those in advance for their generosity and support.